Life is Strange Episode 1 Livestream Tonight!!!

Hey guys. Dakana here to just share with you all that I’m going to be doing a series of live plays of Life is Strange episodes 1-4, one episode per week, as a run up to episode 5 the finale. 

I HAVE played them before, but I will do my best to react the same way as when I first experienced it so as to give it the mysterious feeling the game deserves.

I’m aiming for 8pm GMT (approx an hour after this is posted), give or take five or ten minutes, and afterwards I’ll be just spending some time talking about what we learned in the episode and what it could mean. 

I hope to see you there, and I hope you will enjoy it 😀

The stream will be at : 

(I have to mention that this game contains some bad language, and some mature themes of rape, drugging, and other such things. They ARE dealt with in the mature manner they deserve, but not everyone enjoys such topics, so your warning is here)


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